Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Psychological Diet Tips

Most people would say there are two parts to losing weight. One is diet and the other is exercise. In a big way this is true, but there is so much more you can do to help shed the fat faster and easier. Here are a few easy mental tricks about how to actually eat to make you feel fuller and eat less. These helped me successfully lose 30 pounds in just over a month!


1: Focus on eating:
Just like reading a book or watching TV while on an exercise bike, it seems to just go by without you noticing. If you eat while you watch TV, read a book, or do some other activity you won’t notice yourself get full and you will easily overeat AND be unsatisfied. Focus on your eating and you will start to notice when you are actually comfortably full instead of when you’re stuffed and getting sick.

2: Close your eyes: It sounds silly at first, but after taking a bite close your eyes while you chew. If you can, eat with your eyes closed the whole time. Most people who eat this way leave food left on the plate when they had only taken what they thought would make them full. You are more able to listen to your body give you signals saying you are full.

3: Put down that fork!:
Most of us will just shovel bite after bite into our mouths and rush through food. Take your time! Don’t focus so much on finishing the meal, focus on eating it. Our sense of satiety (being satisfied instead of hungry) is relatively slow. It’s not just about your stomach being filled; to stop being hungry your food has to digest a little bit and get into your blood stream, and there are other factors as well. This means if you eat fast you will pass up your sense of hunger and satiety and will just over eat automatically.

4: Take a break:
What I mean by this is halfway through eating your meal take five minutes to drink some water and let food settle. This lets your sense of satiety catch up to your eating and let you feel fuller before you eat too much.

5: Water before and after: Few people are aware that our sense of hunger and thirst are often confused. Many people who think that they are hungry are actually just thirsty. So when you’re hungry you should probably drink a bit of water first and wait before eating, but also having a glass of water before eating, and another during or after is a great way to be satisfied without actually eating more, because you don’t need to eat more!

I hope people find these simple tips useful. They don’t require buying any special food or pills, and you don’t have to go to the gym. It’s just eating in a different way and adding a few minutes to your eating times to focus on eating less.

With these simple steps and with the help of Fatloss4idiots I lost 30 pounds in just over a month! Check Here to see how Fatloss4idiots helped me lose so much fat!

Diet and Exercise Myths!

So many people try diet after diet and get discouraged when they don’t make great progress, and often give up. Many times this is because of people being taken in by diet and exercise myths that not only don’t lead to weight loss and strength, but can be outright unhealthy!

Fat doesn’t make you fat: So many people think that fat in your food turns directly into fat on your body. This is not true! The problem people have is the amount of fat they consume. Protein and carbohydrates have 4 calories per gram, while fat contains 9 calories per gram. With all this extra energy packed into fat it is much easier to over eat, which is actually what makes you fat. Some fats actually help you lose weight, such as omega 3 fatty acids (the fats that come from such sources as flax seeds and their oil, as well as fatty fish like tuna and salmon). You can get these in most vitamin sections in the form of salmon or cod liver oil (don’t worry, if you take it with food you won’t taste it!).

Starving yourself doesn’t work!: When your body thinks its starving (be it because you cut your calories to diet far too quickly, or because you are just eating way too little) it cuts down your base metabolism (the amount of calories you burn just by being alive and not exercising). You can seriously sabotage your ability to lose weight if you eat too little.

You cannot spot tone: You will not lose your stomach fat by just doing crunches. You won’t see your abs over 10% body fat and that’s really about all there is to it. You can train specific muscles and areas on your body, which will help build your muscles, and there by raise your metabolism, but you need to lower your body fat % to actually see it. This means proper diet and exercise.

You need fats: On top of people thinking eating fat makes you overweight, many think it’s unhealthy and unnecessary. This is not true! In fact our body needs fat for a number of vital functions including maintaining our nerve system. If you maintain a no-fat diet for too long your body will stop working! You still need to limit your fats so you don’t get too many calories and you should limit saturated and trans-fat while trying to get mostly poly and mono-unsaturated fats (healthy fats!).

With this knowledge and with the help of Fatloss4idiots I lost 30 pounds in just over a month! Check Here to see how Fatloss4idiots helped me lose so much fat!

Lose Fat Quick With These 5 Free Diet Tips

Few of us have the time or energy to spend hours each week at the gym, but most of us have at least 10 extra pounds of fat, many with far more. However, there are many almost effortless things we can do to help us lose fat! These are five easy methods to improve your diet that will help speed up your fat loss and help you be healthy in general without having to hit up the gym or buy lots of expensive diet food.

1: Start Taking the Stairs.
Whenever you get the chance, take the stairs instead of an elevator; park on the top level of parking structures and walk between stores in a mall instead of driving to them, etc. These little bits of added exercise are an easy way to get in better shape and burn off more calories without heading to the gym and only take a few extra minutes. In my parking structure it’s actually faster to take the stairs than the elevator from the top.

2: Drink Lots of Water.
When you get hungry you should drink water before eating. Thirst makes our body feel hungry, and many people think they need food when most of the time they’re just thirsty! This will help you eat less food and not as often. Also water naturally makes us healthier and helps us lose weight.s

3: Expect to Cheat.
The hardest part of diets for most of us is having a diet that is too strict and trying to fight our urges. We end up going off our diet and in a huge way! Avoid this by having a small cheat snack each day so that you don’t fall off the wagon and binge on sweets. A small piece (1 oz.) of dark chocolate each day is a great way to do this, because of its high levels of antioxidants and unique health benefits.

4: Eat More Fiber. Eating fiber itself makes you store less fat out of the food you eat, but also many sources of fiber, such as vegetables, have a lot of good nutrients and are very filling for how many calories you are eating, so will help you eat less as well.

5: Eat Omega Fats. It is a common myth that fat in foods makes you fat; this is not true! Some fats actually help you burn fat, which are known as Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. You can get these from flax seeds and their oil, fish oils (you can get these in pill form), or directly from foods such as almonds, avocados, and fatty fish like salmon and tuna. Having a bit of these special fats can help you burn fat, just don’t overdo it!

With these simple steps and with the help of Fatloss4idiots I lost 30 pounds in just over a month! Check Here to see how Fatloss4idiots helped me lose so much fat!

5 Quick Ways to Lose Weight Easily and Without Exercise

So many of us have busy stressful lives, and don’t have the time, money, or energy after an eight hour day to head to the gym or buy expensive diet foods to try to lose the pounds we’ve slowly built up over the years. These are a few of the methods I used to cut off 30 pounds in just over a month, with the help of Fatloss4idiots.

1: Quit sugar! Sugar and alcohol are both empty calories; they do nothing for us, and yet most of us consume at least a weeks worth of sugar every day. Cut out the sugar filled sodas, energy drinks, and limit juices (also only drink 100% juice). Replace these with diet drinks, tea (black teas are an excellent substitute for energy drinks), and WATER! This is the easiest way for the average American to cut out 10-20 pounds without doing anything else.

2: Don’t eat prepackaged and fast food! TV dinners, Bigmacs, Supreme Tacos and other similar foods are so densely packed with saturated fats and sugars that you will very easily eat 1-2000 calories in one meal and still be hungry. Replace these with meals that require some amount of home preparation and cooking (not meaning a microwave!), lean meats, fruits, and vegetables. These are more filling and don’t contain so many calories. Taking some lean chicken breasts and cooking them in a pan with a light bit of olive oil, and some seasoning is very quick and easy, healthy, and cheap!

3: Don’t starve yourself! When dieting many people eat far too little, or cut their calories too quickly. When you do this your body acts like you are starving and will lower your metabolism drastically, which will sabotage your ability to burn fat, instead causing your body to break down and eat your muscles (which is what gives you a metabolism). Reduce calories slowly and never starve yourself! Cut back 1-200 calories a week until you get to your diet level (the caloric intake that would be the maintenance level of the weight you want to be).

4: Eat smaller meals! The more you eat in one sitting the more is stored as fat. If you eat 2400 calories a day and instead of eating 3-800 calorie meals, eat 6-400 calorie meals, you will store a lot less fat, and you won’t feel as hungry between meals (meaning you’ll probably eat less overall anyway). Just eating 4 or 5 smaller meals a day is MUCH better than 3 big ones, no matter what you are eating.

5: Get a full night of sleep! This doesn’t seem like it should affect your ability to lose fat, but just getting 1-2 hours less sleep than your body needs a night can HALVE your ability to burn fat! Getting more sleep will help you burn more fat, have more energy, less stress (stress is one cause of fat gain and retention), and be healthier in general.

With these simple steps and with the help of Fatloss4idiots I lost 30 pounds in just over a month! Check Here to see how Fatloss4idiots helped me lose so much fat!

Fatloss4idiots review sites

I was very skeptical at first about Fatloss4idiots, so I naturally tried to find more information about it and found several independent review sites and blogs written by people who had actually tried the diet. Here are a few of the ones that I found and helped me decide this was the solution to my weight problem.

Review 1

Review 2

Review 3

Here are a few before and after pictures of what I used to look about two months ago compared to after finding



My Story

Many of you are familiar with the term ‘Freshman 10’. This is the 10 pounds that a lot of college students gain during their freshman year, which many people never lose. In my freshman year of college I gained 30 pounds! I had started eating mostly frozen pizzas, prepackaged microwave dinners, and drank nonstop soda. I tried exercise but as a busy college student working a part time job, I just didn’t have the time or energy to keep it up. Once you get out of college it’s usually worse, because now you work a 40 hours a week job that takes more energy than school did, and as you get older your metabolism is slowing down, which makes you gain even more weight. With that weight comes a lack of energy, more money for more food, joint pain, and some serious health problems.

Until a few months ago this is the direction I was headed, at 5’9” I was 230lbs. For that height, I should be closer to 170; that’s about 60 pounds over weight! So I spent a lot of time researching diet and exercise when I could find a few minutes with my hectic schedule and I finally realized that most people don’t need to diet, and can lose weight without hours of exercise! Of course eating healthy foods and getting enough exercise is certainly healthy for your heart, and we should do this if we can, but so few of us have the time. You don’t have to wait for a sabbatical or a summer vacation to make the first steps. The biggest things you can do are just changes in HOW you eat instead of completely changing your diet and spending 5+ hours at the gym each week. There are many simple things you can do to drastically change your lifestyle and improve your health. Even the busiest of us can manage to make these simple changes! Since these discoveries I have lost my entire ‘Freshman 30’, and in only a matter of weeks.

Many of us know that exercise and a really clean diet can help us lose weight, but most of us don’t know many of the simple tips that can make it easy and quick. These simple changes to how we eat can do so many of us so much good I wanted to share this information and help people get healthy. Much of what I learned was from Fatloss4idiots, which is an online program for fat loss that doesn’t depend on expensive foods you order through them or extensive exercise, something I just didn’t have time for. I was really skeptical at first, like I would be with any online company, especially one with such a gimmicky name, but I looked up some reviews of the program and testimonies by people who had used it, and everything I found pointed to success. It was very simple, straight forward, and easy to implement. With the Fat Loss 4 Idiots program I added the other tips and methods I found in my search for healthy fat loss, and had amazing success with fat loss for the first time in my life. In the first few weeks alone I lost the 30 pounds I had been holding since my freshman year in college, and so quickly!